It’s always a question among Clash Royale players about which card is great for which event. In Clash Royale, every card is utilised differently for different occasions. Some use Arrows, some use Queen Deck and some use Goblinstein. However, it varies from player to player.
To make this article more insightful, we have created a list of the top 7 Most used cards in Clash Royale based on their Win Rate and Usage rate over different leagues and Tournaments. Let’s get started.
Usage Rate (Path of Legends): 36.56%
Usage Rate (Trophy Road): 42.96%
Usage Rate (Grand Challenge): 38.80%
The Log- the OG of spell cards. This sneaky little log rolls across the arena, wiping out swarms of ground troops and giving enemy Goblin Barrels a one-way ticket back to the card deck.
With an incredible reach, decent damage, and low elixir cost, it’s no wonder it’s topping the charts in both Path of Legends and Trophy Road. Whether you’re dealing with skeletons or goblins, The Log is a reliable multitasker that’s as satisfying as it is effective.
Pro Tip: It’s great for those high-pressure moments when you need to clear a swarm on the cheap.
Usage Rate (Path of Legends): 33.28%
Usage Rate (Trophy Road): 27.92%
Usage Rate (Grand Challenge): 34.40%
Sometimes, you just need to rain destruction from the sky and that’s where Arrows come in. This card has been around forever, but it’s still the go-to for obliterating swarms of minions, skeletons, or goblins. It covers a wide area and costs just 3 elixirs, making it a highly versatile tool in your deck-building arsenal.
Pro Tip: Use Arrows as a counter for cards like Minion Horde, Skeleton Army, or even Goblin Gang. One well-timed shot and you’re good to go!
Usage Rate (Path of Legends): 23.20%
Usage Rate (Grand Challenge): 62.32%
Goblinstein is a card creeping its way into the decks across different modes, particularly in Grand Challenges, and here it has a rather heavy usage rate. Well, this is one of those versatile kinds of cards that create a gang of goblins and overpower your opponent. if you are not ready for it, you will be having a pretty rough time on your hands. It's a good defensive move or a sneaky counterattack at any time.
Pro Tip: Combine Goblinstein with a spell-like Tornado or Fireball to maximise the chaos on the battlefield.
Usage Rate (Path of Legends): 17.76%
Usage Rate (Trophy Road): 22.80%
Who could forget about the Hog Rider? This card has been a staple in the Clash Royale meta for years and 2024 certainly holds nothing different in the books. Because it moves so fast and enjoys a taste for direct tower targeting. It has also proved so many players remain staked upon this trusty pig-riding hero for those damaging plays.
Pro Tip: Pair your Hog Rider with cards like The Log or Fireball to clear the path of any pesky defenders. It’s a combo as classic as bread and butter!
Usage Rate (Path of Legends): 16.96%
Usage Rate (Trophy Road): 25.28%
Usage Rate (Grand Challenge): 20.72%
If you ever needed a large dose of high-potency spells, Fireball is the card to turn to. You can fry up a Musketeer, cast on a group of Barbarians, or just burn off the last towers-you name it, Fireball can get the game back on your side of the victory line.
Pro Tip: Save your Fireball for high-value targets like the Three Musketeers or a packed push near the enemy tower.
The Mini P.E.K.K.A. can indeed be said to be small, but the impact it can deliver is enough to take the sturdiest of tanks down their knees. High-damage swings, targeting one single target, Mini P.E.K.K.A is on every aspiring player's list. It works best when dealing with enemy Giants, Hog Riders, or even occasionally a Golem. If you leave that little guy unattended for yourself, your tower certainly won't stand for long.
Pro Tip: Combine Mini P.E.K.K.A. with a Freeze spell to keep it swinging away at the opponent's biggest threats for as long as possible.
It is one of those cards that have been around since the dawn of Clash Royale and for good reasons. For 3 elixirs, you get a whole army of skeletons to overcome tanks, rush down any unaware troops, or even counter cards like Prince or P.E.K.K.A. It's super versatile and has come in at times when it's very sneaky offence and low-cost, perfect for defence.
Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to use Skeleton Army as a distraction. Opponents will often waste high-cost spells to deal with it, leaving them vulnerable to your next big push.
So GAMPions, there you have it- the 7 most used cards in Clash Royale. Whether it can be a Hog Rider push or you're just attempting to drown the opponent with goblins and skeletons, these are versatile, powerful cards and, above all, reliable ones.
While the meta of the game may change, these cards have stood the test of time-and are likely to dominate the leaderboards as long as players know how to use them right. Build a deck around these cards, practice your timing, and soon enough, you are going to cruise your way to victory one tower at a time.
Also Read: How to Score Better Chests in Clash Royale